When you own a business, following your guts won’t work to run it. It will help if you do some…
You as an eCommerce store have been in business for a while now, with lockdown still going you probably have…
Happy Friday, folks! This week only lasted about three days. 😂 Maybe it’s because everyone on our team has been…
The holiday seasons are usually the busiest time of the year for most online retailers. There’s usually a spike in…
https://www.figpii.com/blog/ab-testing-guideHappy Friday! Thanksgiving holiday is almost here, and, honestly, I can’t wait for it. What are your plans for it,…
We can all agree that heat maps, session recordings, A/B tests, and on-site polls play a critical role in conversion…
Photo by Manuel Geissinger from Pexels We now live in a world where data is the most valuable asset. it doesn’t come as…
Hello, my fellow readers! As usual, it’s been a busy week. How was yours? I hope you had an astounding…
Table of Contents How To Make Heat Maps On Your Website For Free? Heatmap.js Google Analytics Heatmaps How To Make…
Happy Friday! The weekend is finally here. I know you probably can’t wait, and I won’t keep you long. Here…